Edgeware Society

At Edgeware society is organized in collectives, a group of entities that share or are motivated by at least one common issue or interest, or work together to achieve a common objective.


Join Edgeware's Proposals channel to discuss, debate and develop proposals for the community to fund. Proposals cover chain upgrades, changes to core governance principles and a wide range of project plans by a wide range of teams.

+40 Members
Edgeware Agency
Edgeware Agency

Focuses on developing and exploring the brand, including visual, emotional, experiential values of Edgeware, evangelizing use cases, and developing assets to communicate the above.

+80 MembersDecentralized
Builders Guild
Builders Guild

Works to create an ecosystem of support for developers and application builders in the network. Resources, Q/A, and discussion about technical advancement of the network are the usual activities.

+90 Members
DAO Working Group
DAO Working Group

Works to enable a robust infrastructure and cutting-edge support for DAOs and organizational primitives within Edgeware: Legal bridging, budgeting tools, organizational structures, reputation and deployment of DAOs.

20+ Members
NFT Strategy Group
NFT Strategy Group

This working group works with artists and art industry actors across mediums of visual, music, NFT and more to ensure that Artists and the Arts are a healthy and innovative sector of Edgeware, and seeks to solve problems with the sustainability, production and consumption of art works.

+40 Members

This working group draws community members from Edgeware, other blockchain projects and curious people to talk about market chatter, parachain economics, token price Qs, memes and moons.

+400 Members

Start your own collective

In Edgeware, working groups function as mission-based development organizations that are composed of members who share interests, needs, and passions.

Where an Ambassador team is largely formed to promote a network in a variety of ways, Working Groups are intended to solve issues specific to a community while also expanding the awareness and utility of the network.

Solve problems using the new world of blockchain and currency and collaborate with other Edgeware experts.

Request funds from the Treasury to execute your mission.

Regional groups are designed to drive awareness of the network, research key areas of interest and solve problems within distinct geographical areas.

Whatever you want, really: Your community is self-determining.

Utilise Commonwealth's open-source interface to organize your group, project or community initiative.

Identity or Community-based solution groups: Minorities, Social Justice, or others.

Organize your community into a political power within the network.

Specific technology applications,
Privacy for instance.

Advance the community of EDG citizens.

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